Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The top 5 worst cities to work in: Unhappy Cities
1) Boulder, Colorado
2) Reno, Nevada
3)Wichita, Kansas
4) Fresno, California
5) Little Rock, Arkansas

The top 5 best cities to work in: Happiest Cities
1) Dayton, Ohio
2) Knoxville Tennesse
3) Honolulu, Hawaii
4)Memphis, Tennesse
5) Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

Information taken from: Forbes.com

I am not sure If it's true that these states are the happiest and the unhappiest states to work in, but forbes.com says it's so. they say it's the worst places and the happiest places:Mainly because of the weather. The very cold winters and extremely hot summers makes these states the happiest and unhappiest. I could believe that Hawaii is a very happy state to work in because it's like your basically working in paradise and who would want to live in paradise?